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Each student is a special creation of God with unique abilities, talents and skills that we should recognize, develop, and encourage; furthermore, each student has a specific need for relationships with God, family, friends, and the community at large (Psalm 139: 13-14). The social program at Country Christian School is committed to providing wholesome activities that serve to glorify God by giving opportunities for the social expression.


  • Students attending Country Christian School activities will be expected to follow the standards of the school

  • Students must dress modestly and appropriately. The school recognizes the right of every chaperone to determine if a student is dressed inappropriately and to require the student to immediately confirm to modest standards. In particular, clothes that are too tight, revealing, or baggy will not be acceptable.

  • The students attending school activities should remain at the event until the event is over. Exceptions require written permission from the parent or guardian.

  • Each guest will be the responsibility of the Country Christian host and will be subject to the same that apply to a Country Christian student.

  • All activities must be chaperoned by adults who are administrators or teachers (and their spouse). Parents who agree to uphold the school guideline and are asked by a school official may also assist in this capacity.

  • At the end of the scheduled event, the parent becomes responsible for the actions of the student.


The language we use on campus should be consistent with the Word of God. In Ephesians 4:29 we are instructed: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may be those who listen.” As a student at Country Christian School, please give your attention to these instructions in all that you say.

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