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The goal of our discipline program is correction of immediate problems, guidance toward acceptable behavior, personal growth, character development and consciousness. Parental cooperation and support of the school is absolutely essential if your child is to learn to accept responsibility for his/her own behavior and to respect authority figures.

We use a color chart system in the kindergarten and first grade classrooms to encourage and measure student behavior. Discipline will be handled by the classroom teacher as much as possible, using a combination of rewards and consequences for behavior. If a student is unable to follow classroom or school rules, the following consequences may be used by the teacher:

  • Missing recess/special events

  • Sentences of affirmation

  • Parent conference/note/phone call

  • Contracts/behavior charts

  • Alternate plans of correction devised between teacher, administrator, and parents.

If these methods are not successful and a student is sent to the office, the following will apply:

First Visit: Warning

Second Visit: Note or phone call to parents requesting conference, at which time a course of action will be planned.

Third Visit: Suspension or prior agreed-upon consequences.

For the older children, second through sixth grades, each teacher will have a behavior log to keep records. Each class will have their own expectation of positive behavior. Inappropriate behavior will be handled with detention that will be held on campus during snack and lunch recesses, at which time the child will do school work. After three detentions a referral will be filed with the office and a call will be made to the parent by the teacher. After five referrals, a call home to the parents from the office with a day of suspension from school the following day.

Grounds for immediate suspension are:

  • Passive or active defiance of authority

  • Fighting

  • Use of foul language

  • Destroying personal/school property

  • Cheating or stealing

  • Possession of drug, alcohol or weapons

EXPULSION POLICY: We reserve the right to refuse service to any child if we determine that we cannot meet the needs of the child. We further reserve the rights to refuse service to any child that threatens, strikes, or in any way harms staff or other children in our care. An expulsion for violent behavior may be made without prior written notice. Furthermore, if, at anytime, any parent or guardian of a child enrolled at CCS behaves in an aggressive or violent way while on campus, it will be cause for immediate expulsion.

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